Thursday 23 November 2023

power to the people

I learned about biogas. Its letting compost decompose and use the gasses to make energy.
i have helped with most of the research and helping with getting a person to come in and talk to us about different ways to make energy for Otaki school.  Were figuring out how to present our info and we might use a poster. we need some help making a small model of a biogas plant. we can get some help from one of the science teachers. 

Friday 10 November 2023

Power to the People

We have achieved finding our question, starting on research, and found a group that works good. We have used our time effectively and have almost gotten to the first milestone. I have helped my group with research and recovering some of our deleted work. At the moment we are working on hitting the nearest milestone. We need help with figuring out how to cleanly turn rubbish into energy. The next steps for us will be finishing our research.